April 29, 2009
Enjoy full online access for Microsoft® Outlook® with OfficeCalendar Version 6
Lookout Software announces OfficeCalendar v6: Share Microsoft® Outlook® online; full online editing capabilities; full task editing capabilities and more
DALLAS, Texas, USA (April 29, 2009) – Lookout Software LLC., has just released OfficeCalendar Version 6, a major upgrade to the affordable software alternative to Microsoft Exchange Server that allows users to easily share their Outlook calendars, and more, with colleagues and coworkers. OfficeCalendar Version 6’s biggest highlight expands on the popular Outlook Web Access feature, and includes many other sought-after features.
OfficeCalendar is designed to network Outlook, giving users the power to share their Outlook calendar, contact, tasks and email inbox information with their colleagues and coworkers. OfficeCalendar Online, an optional service, gives users the ability to access their Outlook information online from anywhere at any time. OfficeCalendar Version 6 increases the software’s already comprehensive feature set, offering two-way synchronization of information from Outlook to OfficeCalendar Online and vice versa; and full sharing of task information, meaning you can read, write and delete shared Task folders.
"While OfficeCalendar has been engineered to in such a way to allow offline access to shared Outlook folders, many of our customers have expressed a b desire for us to provide them with web-based access to their Outlook folders similar to Outlook Web Access (OWA) for times when they do not have access to their primary work computer", said Kevin Taggart, President of Lookout Software. "This was the driving force behind the development efforts of OfficeCalendar Version 6, which gives our users full access (read, write, modify and delete) to their personal and shared Outlook calendar, contact and task folders from virtually any Internet enabled computer, anywhere in the world."
OfficeCalendar Version 6’s ability to relay information from a user’s local copy of Outlook to their OfficeCalendar Online account, and vice versa, gives those who are frequently away from the office full access to their Outlook information. This means all changes made to your Outlook calendars, contacts and tasks are transmitted online, and all changes made to your personal and shared Outlook folders while online are transmitted back to your copy of Outlook. This translates into full Outlook web access, which is invaluable for those who use it the most.
Interactive online group calendaring functionality is also built into OfficeCalendar Version 6, so group scheduling is just as easy online as it is within Outlook. OfficeCalendar Version 6 also gives users the ability to not only read shared Task folders, but now gives them the rights to add, edit and delete tasks as well. This feature is also available while on the web using OfficeCalendar Online.
OfficeCalendar Version 6 is the latest upgrade to OfficeCalendar since OfficeCalendar Version 5, which introduced online web access to Contact and Task folders, and Outlook email sharing.
Each person wishing to share Outlook calendars, contacts, tasks and email inboxes using OfficeCalendar must have a copy of Microsoft Outlook 2000, XP, 2003 or 2007. However, OfficeCalendar can work with a mixture of these Outlook versions. OfficeCalendar does not work with Microsoft Outlook Express, a different product from Microsoft Outlook.
About Lookout Software
Lookout Software was founded in the summer of 2003 with the goal of providing practical and affordable software solutions that solve common business problems for small to mid-size businesses and professional organizations.
OfficeCalendar was released by Lookout Software in May 2004, and since that time has evolved through several versions to the most recent, Version 6. Lookout Software staff and developers are continually striving to better OfficeCalendar and gladly embrace feedback from customers. To download a free 14-day trial version of OfficeCalendar Version 6, or for more information about Lookout Software and OfficeCalendar, visit the website at www.officecalendar.com.
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Nikki Bonds, Marketing Manager
Lookout Software, LLC
866-847-7512 x101
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