OfficeCalendar Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Does OfficeCalendar require Microsoft’s Exchange Server in order to work?
A: No. The purpose of OfficeCalendar is to allow you to share Outlook calendar, contact, and task information without the complexity, expense, and hardware requirements of Microsoft Exchange Server.
Q: Everyone in our Office has Microsoft Outlook, but they are not all the same version. Will OfficeCalendar still work for us?
A: Yes, OfficeCalendar can work with a mixture of Outlook versions. Versions supported by OfficeCalendar are Outlook 2000, Outlook XP (2002),Outlook 2003 and Outlook 2007. Outlook 98 and Outlook 97 are NOT supported with OfficeCalendar.
Q: I have a laptop. If I disconnect from the network and take the laptop home with me, will I still be able to see my appointments, contacts, tasks, and notes while not connected to the network?
A: Yes. With OfficeCalendar, all the items you create, including those that other’s create on your behalf are synchronized between the OfficeCalendar Server's database and the Outlook PST file on your local computer. This allows you to take your data with you on the road. When you get back to the office, all the new entries you created are synchronized with the database that everyone shares, and all the entries other people created for you while you were out get copied into your local PST file. You'll also be able to see all of the shared calendar, contact, and task information of your co-workers while offline, but keep in mind that they will not see any changes you make until you have synchronized back to the main OfficeCalendar Server.
Q: To use OfficeCalendar do we need to invest in additional hardware; like a new server?
A: No. OfficeCalendar should work just fine with your existing hardware as long as all of your workstations are running Windows 2000, XP or higher. All you need to run OfficeCalendar is a copy of Microsoft Outlook 2000, XP,2003 and/or 2007 on each computer that you will use it.
Q: If I share my calendar with other people can I still keep selected appointments private?
A: Yes. Even if you are sharing your Outlook calendar, contact, and task information with other users, you can mark them as private in order to hide them from everyone but yourself.
Q: Will OfficeCalendar work on a simple, windows-based, peer-to-peer network?
A: Yes. You’ll need to designate one of the computers on your network as the database and administrative host to install the OfficeCalendar Server. You'll run the very first installation on that machine; the OfficeCalendar Microsoft Outlook add-in will then be installed on each computer with Microsoft Outlook that wishes to share outlook calendar, contact, and task information.
Q: Can I create appointments on another person’s calendar?
A: Yes. You can add appointments to calendars for which you have been given "write" security access.
Q: Can I allow one person to view and edit appointments on my calendar, allow some people to only see my calendar, and restrict others from viewing my calendar all-together?
A: Yes. OfficeCalendar allows you to establish who can see and do what to any person’s Outlook calendar and contacts in its security setup. For more details read about OfficeCalendar’s simple, yet comprehensive calendar sharing security.
Q: Can everyone in our Office share Outlook contacts as well as calendars?
A: Yes. OfficeCalendar allows you to share Outlook contacts as well as Outlook calendar and task information.
Q: Can we create a consolidated group calendar in Outlook with OfficeCalendar to display everyone, or a selected group of people for the purpose of group scheduling?
A: Yes. OfficeCalendar allows you to create interactive Outlook group calendars. For more details click here: OfficeCalendar's interactive Outlook group calendars.
Additional OfficeCalendar Resources